What can legally only be carried out by veterinary professionals?
Some procedures fall under the Veterinary Surgeons Act (1966) as Acts of veterinary surgery, which means that they can only be performed by veterinary professionals such as registered veterinary surgeons, and veterinary nurses (RVN) who are appropriately directed or supervised by a vet. Some procedures can also be carried out by student veterinary surgeons, or student veterinary nurses under the supervision of a Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (MRCVS) or a Registered Veterinary Nurse (RVN).
Under this legislation ‘veterinary surgery’ is defined as diagnosis and diagnostic testing, advice based on diagnosis, medical or surgical treatment, and the performance of surgical operations. The legislation protects animal welfare by ensuring that procedures are only carried out by professional staff and owners are given the correct information and interpretation of test results.
In relation to fertility clinics the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) has advised the following:
- The taking of an intravenous blood sample for the purpose of progesterone testing cannot be carried out by a lay person, it can only be carried out by registered veterinary staff (vets or directed vet nurses). A dog breeder, whether licensed or unlicensed, cannot take an intravenous blood sample from an animal.
- Vaginal cytology collection and analysis can only be legally performed by a veterinary surgeon or directed veterinary nurse.
- Caesarean sections can only be legally performed by a veterinary surgeon
- Transcervical and intravaginal insemination are acts of veterinary surgery and may only be undertaken by a veterinary surgeon in dogs (in addition, surgical artificial insemination is prohibited by UK animal welfare legislation – see RCVS Guidance)
How to report
England: contact the local authority in which the clinic is located in the first instance. You can also contact Trading Standards if you have concerns that the clinic is in breach of consumer protection regulations.
Scotland: contact the Scottish SPCA on 03000 999 999 or via the website
Wales: email Welsh Animal Licensing Unit who provide the central hub for animal licensing issues in Wales
Northern Ireland: email #PawsForThought - DAERA’s dedicated mailbox for concerns about dog breeding and trafficking
UK-wide: the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) operates a protocol for launching private prosecutions against unqualified individuals breaching the Veterinary Surgeons Act and suspected breaches of the Veterinary Surgeons Act can be reported to the RCVS: breachvsa@rcvs.org.uk.
Concerns relating to the actions of a veterinary surgeon or registered veterinary nurse should also be made to the RCVS.
Further information
You can read more about the British Veterinary Association’s views on this issue below: